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tabitha-graphic-lowresI am a Christian wife and homeschooling mom with a knitter’s soul.  When I am not doing the mom and wife things, you can usually find me with a ball of wool and a pair of needles.

I have been enjoying blogging about my life and my knitting though I still find it surprising that anyone would want to read about my boring life.  Most people find the knitting infinitely more interesting than my life.

I am a budding designer.  You can find my designs at my Ravelry store, my design blog or my etsy store.

To make it easier to find, I have incorporated the material formerly at my website for Christian women called Tabitha’s Heart into this blog. You can find that information on the From the Heart, Recipes and Fun Stuff pages.  There are lots of encouraging articles, Bible study resources, some terrific recipes and other fun stuff on the website.